Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 2 > Parent Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 11 Lesson 3


Surf for More Math

Lesson 3 - Building Structures

To encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about Building Structures, here are some games and interactive activities they can do on their own or in pairs.



Build 3-D objects and models.


Instructions for Use

Space Blocks lets your child build 3-D objects.

To use Space Blocks, add blocks by clicking on the block in the upper right-hand corner and dragging it onto the workspace. To connect the blocks, drag a yellow block to a blue block. When the side of the blue block turns red, the blocks are connected. To unglue the block, click and drag it away. To turn the blocks, click and drag them anywhere on the workspace where there are no other blocks.

