Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 2 > Parent Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 9 Lesson 5


Surf for More Math

Lesson 5 - Making Fair Shares

To encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about Making Fair Shares, here are some games and interactive activities they can do on their own or in pairs.



Share quantities equally among the members of groups of different sizes.


Instructions for Use

Sharing and Grouping lets your child share quantities equally among the members of groups of different sizes.

To use Sharing and Grouping, start with the sharing activity on the left side of the screen. Click on the jar of sweets to share them one at a time. Once all the treats are shared, how many does each child get?

Group the sweets on the right side of the screen. Click on the jar of sweets to group them two at a time. Once all the treats are grouped, how many does each child get?


Sharing Cakes lets your child share quantities equally among the members of groups of different sizes.

To use Sharing Cakes, type in or drag the number of cakes and the number of children into each text box. There should be not more than 5 children and 4 cakes. Click 'Enter Settings'. Click 'Cut Cake'. Cut the cake into slices and drag each piece onto the plates equally.

